The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a comprehensive counseling, consultation, coaching and information resource service provided to all city employees and their dependents. EAP can address nearly any work/life concern; and if they cannot help you, they likely know a resource that can. Services are confidential and private- they are protected by Federal and state HIPAA law as well as by the independent licensure law of EAP counselors.

Location: Columbus Public Health, 240 Parsons Ave, Room 117.
Phone: 614-645-6894
Office hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. Call to make an appointment- the main line also allows access to their crisis cell phone number.

People come to EAP by 1 of 3 methods:

  1. Self referral (most common): The employee calls to make their own appointment
  2. Supervisory Suggestion: Supervisor suggests seeking EAP for confidential assistance when they notice changes in an employee's job performance or realize they are facing challenging personal concerns.
  3. Formal Supervisory Referral: The employee is having job performance issues (significant and pervasive) which are already resulting in, or could lead to, disciplinary action.