Common Questions


How do I report a pothole?

The City of Columbus is responsible for maintaining about 6,000 lane miles of roadway, including residential streets, and portions of major arterials, SR 315, SR 104, and US 33. Interstates I-270, I-70, I-71 and I-670 are maintained by the Ohio Department of Transportation.

To report potholes that are the responsibility of the City of Columbus, contact the 311 Service Center. To report a pothole on roadways that are maintained by the Ohio Department of Transportation, please call 1 (800) 372-7714


Are sidewalks the responsibility of the City or the property owner?

While sidewalks are used by the public, they are normally paid for and maintained by the individual property owner, which may be a homeowner, landlord or business owner. Owners pay for sidewalks by property tax assessment or the real estate developer may have provided the sidewalk, if within a newer subdivision. Developers are now required to provide sidewalks within all new developments. In developments where an addition to an existing building or structure is 50% or more of the original square footage, sidewalks must be added where they do not presently exist.

The property owner is responsible for any needed repairs and other maintenance to sidewalks, such as snow and ice removal. Columbus City Code Section 905.06 establishes the maintenance responsibility to the property owner. To report a sidewalk in poor condition, contact 311 Call Center at (614) 645-3111 or email:

How can a Columbus resident get a sidewalk where one currently does not exist?

Residents may put in a request via the 311 Service Center. All sidewalks service requests are tracked and scored against a set of criteria. Those scoring the highest are the first to be considered for future sidewalk projects which is all based on available funding. An additional means of sidewalk development is via the Department of Development's Urban Infrastructure Recovery Fund.

Are there other circumstances where the City does provide sidewalks and curbs at no cost to the property owner?

The City may elect to construct sidewalks or bike paths in conjuncture with a roadway improvement project (such as a roadway widening or streetscape project).

Why is so much of the City still uncurbed and without sidewalks?

An estimated 50% to 60% of the City does not contain curbs and/or sidewalks. Some of these areas are older, built when sidewalks were not standard practice as it is today. Many sidewalk gaps exist within sections of the City that were originally townships, later annexed into the City of Columbus. The original property owners or developers opted not to include sidewalks.

Why are some sidewalks made of concrete and others of asphalt?

Generally, concrete sidewalks are the standard and can be installed along both curbed and uncurbed streets. Asphalt surfaces are reserved for temporary sidewalks or shared use paths.

Where do I get a permit to build or replace a sidewalk?

Click Here to get information on how to obtain a Right of Way Permit. New/replacement sidewalk permit fee is $165; drawing required for new sidewalk. For other questions about permits, call (614) 645-7497.


How do I report a broken traffic light or street sign?

Call (614) 645-7393 and provide detailed information, such as street name, intersection, direction of travel.

To report missing, damaged or obstructed non-emergency signs (other than STOP or YIELD signs), contact 311 Call Center at (614) 645-3111 or email:

How can I get my street resurfaced?

Contact 311 Call Center at (614) 645-3111 or e-mail: Your street will be assessed by the department and prioritized with other streets for resurfacing.

How can our community receive traffic-calming treatments such as speed humps, medians, road diets and mini circles?

A community must be studied by the department first to determine mobility patterns, vehicular speeding, accident studies and more before traffic-calming treatments can be considered.

Road Diets: An informational guide(PDF, 108KB)

Other questions?

Contact 311 Call Center at (614) 645-3111 or e-mail: