Columbus Police Human Resources Civilian Professional Positions

Information Systems Manager, Programmer Analyst, Information Systems Analyst- Technological advances in crime-fighting equipment such as in-car mobile data terminals , computerized mapping, digital video, and wireless communication have generated a great demand for qualified IT professionals in police agencies.

Human Resources - HR Manager, HR Analyst, HR Representative, Payroll/Benefits Clerk, Collective Bargaining Agreements, Polygraph Examiner, Industrial Hygienist - Includes conducting job analyses, planning personnel needs, recruiting the right people for the job while coordinating orientation and training, compensation , benefits, performance evaluations, dispute resolution, occupational health/safety considerations and communicating with all employees at all levels.

Fiscal Operations - Fiscal Manager, Purchasing Expediter, Fiscal Assistant, Management Analyst - Facilitates the preparation of the annual general, grant and enterprise funds and the operating and capital improvements budgets; prepares the five-year capital improvements budget estimates.

Public Relations Specialist - Field requests from the public and the media and manage the messages of the division.

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