Wage Theft Prevention and Enforcement Commission


During the September 21, 2020 meeting, Columbus City Council passed the Columbus Wage Theft Ordinance to prevent workers from losing take-home pay through wage theft and payroll fraud. Wage theft is endemic throughout the state of Ohio, and many in the community have been taken advantage of by employers that seek to cut corners to add a little more profit to their bottom line instead of following the law and supporting working families.

Wage theft and payroll fraud can take many forms, but typically result in a worker earning less than they should have, or else taking on financial responsibilities that should rightfully have been borne by the employer. If you believe you have been a victim of or witnessed wage theft or payroll fraud, please submit a complaint (at left) today.

Important Documents and Links

Meetings and Calendar

The Wage Theft Prevention and Enforcement Commission typically meets on the 1st Wednesday of even numbered months at the City of Columbus, 111 N. Front St., Hearing Room (204) at 9:00am.