NextGen Patient Portal

To access our patient portal:

NextGen Patient Portal

Medfusion Patient Portal

Enroll Using an Invitation Link

If your practice has sent an email and invited you to enroll in Medfusion Patient Portal, use the enrollment link in the email. You must have a date of birth and zip code to enroll with patient portal. If your zip code and date of birth does not match please call the practice to get that information to proceed with online enrollment.

  1. Click on Sign up button on the enrollment link you received from your practice in your email address or simply copy and paste the blue URL on your web browser.
  2. Please verify information by providing ZIP Code and Date of Birth
  3. Create username, password, answer secret question, provide phone number and select Primary Location.
  4. Review Notice of Privacy policy and Terms of services before clicking on "Enter Portal"
  5. Click Enter Portal
  6. Please complete Patient Registration Form by clicking on "Start Registration" once you log in to your patient portal.
  7. Sign the Patient Portal Consent Form one time found under Health Form tab on left hand panel.

Note: If you're not able to enroll in patient portal due to incorrect ZIP Code or Date of Birth, Please call our practice to get that information in order to proceed with enrollment. Please also provide us with any new information so we can update in our system.

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